My Idol: Jeremy Lin

By Larissa, a 6th grader

The person that I I look up to the most is Jeremy Lin. I admire Jeremy Lin because I think that how he became an NBA star is inspiring, and he was the second Harvard graduate in 49 years to end up in the NBA because Harvard didn’t have a basketball scholarship. I was also fascinated by how he was tenacious enough to keep playing basketball even though people would make fun of him because he was Asian, and Asians are known for being short and not playing as well as others.

I still remember the first time I saw him on T.V. It was June during the playoffs and my mom was watching some basketball so I watched with her. In that game the New York Knicks were playing. There was a Chinese player on the Knicks that made almost every shot. I was so surprised at how he could do that despite being Asian. Ever since that day, I was so touched by his story that I started playing basketball like him.

Jeremy Lin didn’t get accepted to any NBA team after he graduated from Harvard but after the NBA Draft of 2010, his hometown’s NBA team “The Golden State Warriors” accepted him in their team. At first nobody really knew him, so he got cut by the Warriors and played in the Houston Rockets, then he got cut by the Rockets and the New York Knicks and then started “Linsanity.”Then at the end of the 2011-2012 season he tore his meniscus. At that time I also tore my ligament; I think that it was a weird coincidence that we both tore our knee muscles around the same time.

Jeremy Lin’s parents supported him for basketball like my parents supported me for everything. I always felt a friend to friend connection with Jeremy Lin. I always hoped to see him but have never, even when I sent letters to him. He has never replied to me, but I understand that he is very busy. I just want to talk to him sometime because I know that we would become very good friends.

I have learned a lot about Jeremy Lin and have always looked up to him from the start; nothing has ever changed me ever since I saw him on T.V and nothing will. He will never be forgotten, and I will always work to live up to my dream to be like him.

One response to “My Idol: Jeremy Lin

  1. Thats so awesome how you look up to Jeremy Lin! He is a real inspiration, and I love how he is bringing a lot of recognition to Asian-Americans. I love tennis, my favorite player is Roger Federer and i feel a sort of “connection” with him too!

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