Origami Flapping Crane Tutorial

By Jinwu, a 5th grader

2 responses to “Origami Flapping Crane Tutorial

  1. There must be a reason that the dinosaurs disappeared so quickly. Nobody knew what so experts kept guessing. Dr.Stanley Flanders, a California entomologist, an insect expert, thought that caterpillars killed the dinosaurs. Both dinosaurs and caterpillars eat leaves, but the caterpillars weren’t a big threat because Dr.Flanders thought that the butterflies were so new that they had no predators. So the caterpillars multiplied so fast that they eventually outate the dinosaurs untill eventually the dinosaurs ran out of food and became extinct. Then finally, the meteor was discovered and he got proved wrong.

  2. wow, now that you showed us the oragami crane folding tutorial, i might make one and keep it on my shelf for show so everyone can see what you tought me

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